Plant Enthusiast Must Have Rare Plants of 2020
As we all do our part to fight the spread of COVID-19, we are, of course, spending most of our time indoors. If you’re fortunate enough to have a home garden, a morning and evening stroll is probably one of the highlights of your day. Whether it’s indoors or out, we all agree that greenery does so much to lift our spirits. In these challenging times, adding a new plant can be that wonderful “pick me up” that makes a difference to our day. A truly unique and rare plant goes a long way to offer a new look, some bold color, and a different shape that refreshes your spaces…and your soul. Here are three of our rare, wonderful favorites.

The Philodendron Birkin gets more intricate as it grows
A true star of the Philodendron family, the Birkin showcases dark green leaves that gradually become more variegated with white pinstripes as they grow. The plant loves filtered indirect light and well-draining potting mix. The Birkin does best in tropical climates, and will enjoy the highest humidity you can provide. View >

The easy care Monstera Ginny is a talented climber
The Rhaphidophora tetrasperma or Monstera Ginny may remind you of a Monstera or a Philodendron, but this aroid is much smaller in scale. Its small ornamental leaves feature split lobes about 6” across which gain character as the plant matures. Outdoors, it’s happiest when it can climb trees, wrapping its aerial roots around a trunk, and hanging down from upper branches. Indoors, it adds a welcome feel of the tropics. The plant prefers bright, indirect light and moist soil. View >

Add to your sansevieria collection with the distinctive Whale Fin
All sansevierias are known for their air-purifying abilities and easy maintenance, but the Whale Fin showcases wide, paddle-like leaves that are beautifully mottled with patterns of dark and light green. Though slow-growing, they reach an impressive size compared to other members of the genus. The Whale Fin thrives in a wide range of light conditions, and requires infrequent watering. View >