What’s Trending for Autumn Gardens

What’s Trending for Autumn Gardens

No doubt about it, the season has changed. Though some gardeners may be sad to see all those glorious summer colors fade or go dormant, there are many vibrant options available in fall. Three of our top picks…(Drum Roll, please): Crotons, Orange Bird of Paradise, and Yellow Elder. Now, we know many of you do not live in southern climates, and planting outdoors when the temperatures start plummeting is not an option. Please be assured: our favorite Fall Trio grows brilliantly indoors, too.


These beautiful shrubs are available in a range of styles and colors. For Fall, we love those varieties featuring beautiful hues of reds, orange or yellow. Crotons are a perennial shrub that can grow quite tall in their full-size form. But, you’ll also find a selection of dwarf crotons on our site. Click here to find some favorites!

Orange Bird of Paradise

The subtle gray-green leaves of this plant burst forth into some of the brightest and most beautiful orange blossoms you’ll find anywhere. Named for its similarity to a brilliantly colored exotic bird, these beauties grow well indoors or out. Native to areas of Florida (and one of the state’s most popular flowers), the Bird of Paradise is a magnificent focal point for any area with its year-round blooms. You’ll find it grows best in Zone 10, but it’s open to a bit of flexibility, as long as you bring it indoors when the weather turns cold. Click here to shop!

3 GallonYellow Elder

One of the most popular plants on our site now, Yellow Elder is a unique option that is amazingly flexible. Looking for a tree? It can be a tree. Looking for a bush or a trellis? It can do that, too. You’ll fall in love with its brilliant yellow flowers. If you live in warmer areas, the Yellow Elder can perform as a shade plant when grown up a trellis. If you’re looking to bring it indoors, simply trim it down into a small bush. Click here to view more!

The Yellow Elder grows in several different zones: 7 through 11. It blooms throughout the spring and into fall. It has a high tolerance for heat but does not thrive outdoors when the weather turns cold.

No matter what your plans are for the fall season, don’t think your gardening hobby must go into winter hibernation. We’ll help you look for new ways to bring the garden indoors. With any of our Fall Trio, you’ll have something to enjoy in a pot inside now, then take back outdoors when Spring comes again.