Yellow Dipladenia

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Scientific Name: Dipladenia spp.

Common Names: Yellow Dipladenia, Yellow Dipladenia, Rock Trumpet

Overview: Yellow Dipladenia is a vibrant and eye-catching flowering vine that adds a splash of color to gardens and landscapes. This tropical plant is native to Brazil and features glossy, deep green leaves and trumpet-shaped flowers in shades of yellow. The flowers bloom profusely throughout the warm months, attracting pollinators and creating a cheerful display. Yellow Dipladenia is a climbing vine that can reach heights of up to 10 feet, making it ideal for trellises, fences, or containers with support. It thrives in full sun to partial shade and requires well-draining soil. Regular watering and occasional fertilization help maintain its vigorous growth and flower production.

Recently Shipped Yellow Dipladenia


This vining flower is like smooth jazz on a summer night

The Dipladenia, or Rock Trumpet, is one of the best choices if you are looking for a vining plant that can produce a multitude of colored flowers depending on the variant. This plant comes with five petal flowers that are shaped like a trumpet. These flowers can be found in white, red, and pink colors. The Mandevilla sanderii grows in subtropical and tropical climates, and the flowers bloom in summer and can go further into fall. However, if you grow the plant in a warm climate, then the flowers will continue to bloom throughout the year.

These plants are best for twining on rails or on the wall. You can also keep them in a container and place them on the porch. Native to South and Central America, the Rock Trumpet can be a valuable addition to your space.

Caring for your Dipladenia

If you follow the right care guide, it is not difficult to take care of the Mandevilla plants. These plants are friendly and do not demand strict conditions to grow properly. However, you must follow the right protocol. Here is a care guide that can help you.


This plant loves the sun! If you want it to grow properly, then it is a great idea to keep it outdoors so it can get the maximum amount of light. But if you want to keep it indoors, you can keep it near a window so that it gets as much light as possible. The plant is, however, tolerant to partial shade and can grow properly.

On the other hand, if the sunlight is harsh, then you can shift the plant inside so it does not scorch under the blazing sun.


To grow the Mandevilla sanderii, you must have well-draining sandy soil. To boost your plant, you can include organic materials in the mix. You can choose leaf mold, peat moss, and sand for the potting mix. The soil can be anywhere between neutral to slightly acidic when it comes to the pH level. However, if you have no choice, the plant will not fuss even if you use slightly alkaline soil.


While it is a flowering plant, this specie can go without a lot of water. However, you need to make sure that the soil remains moist for the most part. Keep a watchful eye on the soil so you can keep it damp. However, do not overwater your plants as that will significantly damage the roots and affect their growth. When watering, do not pour all of the water at the same time. You must slowly pour the water so that the plant can easily soak it all up. You can also spray the leaves, which will not only keep them moisturized but also brush off any pests on the leaves.


It is best to use a balanced slow-release fertilizer so that your plant can get the nutrients it needs over time without overpowering it. If you want, you can also use a liquid fertilizer that is at half-strength. The best time to add fertilizer is between spring and fall. You can add a little bit of compost, too, to increase the strength of the soil.

Common Issues

On the whole, these plants do not suffer from many pests and diseases. However, like all plants, they can also be affected by some common problems.


Pests like spider mites, aphids, and whiteflies are very common for the Rock Trumpet. They can cause leaf damage to the plants and even cause discoloration. If you want your plant to stay as healthy as possible, you will have to eliminate all the posts. You can use an insecticidal soap or even neem oil to get rid of the pests and heal the infestation.


Some of the diseases for Mandevilla sanderii include yellow leaves, browning of leaves, and spots. These diseases are a result of not taking good care of your plants. If you make sure to give your plants the water they need, along with the right amounts of sunlight, you won’t have to worry about these diseases.


It is good to prune your rock trumpet once every year. You can ensure that the plant is tidy and flowering properly by pruning it in the winter or early spring. Pruning at the right time will give you the best results.


You can propagate the plant using its cuttings. Cut around 4-6 inches below the leaf node and then you can plant it in a container of moist soil.


To choose the container for your Mandevilla sanderii, you must go for a size that is only slightly bigger than the root ball. If you get a pot that is too big, the roots will continue to expand, and the plant will not grow how you want it to.

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