Keep Your Love Alive this February!
Happy February!
Love is in the air, and even though temperatures may be challenging, we know in our hearts that Spring is around the corner. Whether you’re looking for a plant to add sunshine to your lives right now, or searching for that perfect Valentine’s gift that keeps on giving….look no further.
We at PlantVine have thought up a great way to “rush the season” and bring a welcome touch of Springtime indoors. In addition to our website’s very special Valentine’s Day picks, we’ve selected some favorites as our “Plants of the Month.” These have been carefully curated to add lush green to your indoor environs. For those of you living in warmer climates, our Plants of the Month are great outdoors, as well.
Drum Roll Please…..February’s selects are: the Weeping Fig, the Monstera Adansonii, and last but certainly not leaf (we could NOT resist the plant pun), the Yellow Elder.
Weeping Fig – Ficus Benjamina ‘Wintergreen’
Plant lovers….can you identify 2018’s most popular plant? You guessed it, the Weeping Fig. Its glossy, green leaves adorn branchlets that droop gracefully from its main trunk.
Monstera Adansonii
Known as the ‘Swiss Cheese Plant’ because of its distinctive dark green leaves, the Monstera is the perfect plant to begin or add to your indoor jungle. The Monstera Adansonii also makes a great alternative to the highly coveted Monstera Deliciosa.
Yellow Elder – Tecoma Stans
Flexibility has made the Yellow Elder one of our most popular plants. Looking for a tree? Voila! It’s a tree. Looking for a bush or a trellis? It can do that, too. Its brilliant yellow flowers are so easy to fall in love with. If you’re living in the Polar Vortex these days, just keep the Yellow Elder indoors and trim it into a small bush